Goal of this project is to realise a retirement home for all those 1998-style furbies who have been abandoned or replaced by newer, fancier models. The reFURBYshment aims at:
- reviving those abandoned furbies and give them a home, a nice place where they can enjoy their retirement
- In order to re-socialise them, a minimal-invasive tether or umbilical will be added to each furby for power (intravenous) and communication (Spinal Tap. See Matrix or ExistenZ – you Have to Have a communication port installed, see the wiki)
- furbies that have severe brain damage can opt for a brain transplant (currently done with Intel Galileo boards, including a brand new and fresh voice using MP3 quality sound playback) and internet connectivity (become part of FurbyNET)
- furbies with severe (or partial) mechanical damage can donate their parts for organ transplant
The furbies have been on display during MakerFaire Eindhoven (2017), RobotLove (2017) and the Night of the Nerds. During MakerFestival Twente (2018) in XPO, a walk-in Furby repair shop was piloted. They are featured in an episode of ‘Het Lab’, by national geographic. The project is discussed in the Twentse Courant referred to as Professor Furby… Currently (2021) the Furbies are on display at the CODA as part of the ‘Fervente Verzamelaars’ exhibition.